Our Services and Studies
Join us each week for our Services, Bible Studies, Kids Connection Classes and more! We are contemporary in worship and Biblically Based within each of our services and classes.
Connecting people to Jesus and one another! Love unconditionally!

Sunday Morning Worship
10:00 am
Contemporary Worship brings us together praising God in Song. Our Speakers bring Biblically Based Worship within the sermon. We worship with tithes and offerings, communion, fellowship and more!

Sunday Morning Children's Ministry
10:00 am
Children gather each Sunday for Bible Lessons, Activities, Games, Music and so much more!

Celebrate Recovery
Every Monday
5:15 pm
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-step program that provides people the resources and relationships to help recover from life's hurts, habits, and hang-ups. This is a program for anyone struggling with past or current dysfunctions or compulsions, whether they are affecting their own life or the lives of those around them.
The Schedule is:
5:15 pm - 5:45 pm - Meal
6-7 pm - Large Group Meeting
7-8 pm Open Share Group (Open share groups are gender specific)

Wednesday Bible Study
6:00 pm
We share our lives, our faith, our future, and so much more!