The following are some of the shared beliefs of Family Worship Center based on foundational truths taught in the Bible.
All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these Biblical doctrines.

The Bible
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

We believe in following the scriptural command to be baptized after coming to Christ in faith and repentance

We believe Jesus is the Son of God. He paid for our sins with His death and rose from the dead, overcoming the grave and offering us eternal life.

Holy Spirit
We believe in the infilling of the Holy Spirit and in practicing the gifts He has given the church.

We believe that we must come to Christ with faith and repentance to receive the eternal life He offers.

We believe Jesus Christ is alive and active in our world through the power of the Holy Spirit. He can and does heal sick bodies, minds, and emotions.

Christ's Return
We believe Jesus will physically and visibly return to Earth and will resurrect those who’ve died in Christ.

We believe that baptism, communion, footwashing, anointing with oil, matrimony, dedication of children, and confirmation are sacraments to be practiced reverently.